
Welcome to Wild Art by Sarah. it is a small business run from Lancashire, England. All products are painted and designed by Sarah, who gets inspiration from animals, wildlife and the countryside. It is a small business, and we try to send out orders as soon as possible, but at busy times it may take a couple of days to get them posted. If you have a very small timeframe for requiring your products please contact us and we will be happy to help.

A little bit about myself – Sarah. I grew up on a diary farm in the countryside. I have a love of nature and animals whether domesticated or wild. I am a lover of having pets, an empty house seems very lonely. I currently own a young Jack Russel called Albert, and I also have my daughter and her Labrador Clifford living with me. We also get regular visits from my sons jack Russel called Colin, and the three of them run riot through the house! When Colin visits he brings an older gentleman with him, who is an American spaniel called Harry. Harry enjoys playing with balls, and keeping out of the way of the other three’s crazy antics!

The pictures in the portfolio include artworks which are available to buy as prints in the shop and some previous paintings which have been sold. If there is a particular painting you like that is not available as a print, email us and we will see what we can do to help. Commissions are available as one of paintings, which will be unique to your requirements. You can email us through the commissions tab from the menu above.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to look at my website, and reading through my portfolio.